Site Map
- Impact Resistant Baseplate
- Digital High-Energy Neutron Radiography (NR) Detection Panel
- Development of Novel Miniature Reserve Batteries on the Chip
- Large Format Color Low Light Level (LLL) Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs)
- Full Color, Low Power, High Brightness Micro-Display Capabilities
- Picatinny Smart Rail (PSR) Enabler Integration
- Environmental Conditioning of Man-Portable Weapons Systems
- Metamaterial Based Antenna
- Wide Bandgap Bi-Directional Converter
- Enhanced Impact Protection HGU-56P Aviator Helmet
- Advanced Thermal Management Systems
- Behavioristic Electromagnetic Spectrum Assessment General Learning Engine (BEAGLE)
- Advanced GPS-Based Minefield Detection/Clearance System
- Stationary Target Indicator Waveforms for Theoretical Active Electronically Scanned Array Antenna
- Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Full Motion Video (FMV) Enhancement
- Q-53 Long Range Artillery Guidance
- TPQ-53 Managed Comms/Radar Functionality
- Threat/Target Sensor Stimulation Technology
- Pandemic Entry & Automated Control Environment (PEACE)
- Recognition Biometric Camera System
- Biometric Data Cleansing
- Correlation of Detected Objects from Multiple Sensor Platforms
- Multi-Spectrum Combat Identification Target Silhouette (MCITS)
- Immersive Gaming of C5ISR Training and Testing
- CTA Track/Discrim Improvements for Advanced Threats
- Dynamic Hartmann Turbulence Sensor Processing
- Risk Assessment Modeling Tool (RAMoT)
- Dismounted Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication Platform
- Holistic Wind Correction for Aviation Targeting
- Artificial Intelligence-in Automated Scrap Inspection “MVM”
- Datalink-Enabled AI for Fires Optimization
- Sensor Synthetic Data Generation
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) for Radio Frequency (RF) Modulation Recognition
- Asynchronous Neuromorphic Digital Readout Circuit for Infrared Cameras for Autonomous Target Acquisition and Autonomous Vehicles
- Height of Burst Scoring through Machine Learning
- Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for UxS Collaborative Agent Control
- Machine Learning (ML) for Breach Routing
- Natural Language Processing
- Synthetic RF Training Data Generation
- Armament System AI Data Logger & Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Additive Manufacturing (AM) Part Selection
- Self-Contained Personnel Safety Systems for People in and around Autonomous Vehicles
- Advanced Tire Technology for Manned and Unmanned Systems
- M997A3 Chassis Suspension Improvements
- Variable Speed Engine Cooling Fan for Acoustic Detection Management
- Perception Sensing Advancements for Autonomous Ground Systems
- Bio-Based Fabric/Material/Textiles for Military Applications
- Power Management for Energy Resiliency
- AI/ML for Visual Processing of Energetic Defects
- Engineered Domestic Hardwood Replacement for Critically Endangered Species Hardwood
- Enzyme Fuel Cell
- Carbon-Free Soldier Power Generator (C-SPG)
- Advanced Circuit Breaker Tech for Power Distribution & Management Solutions
- Art + Science Geospatial Innovation
- Staring Sensors for Pilot Situational Awareness
- Integrated Tactical Vehicle Recorder (ITVR) Technology for Live and Synthetic/AR Synchronization
- Lightweight, Reconfigurable UH-60 Floor
- Wearable Technologies for Physiological Monitoring
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Nitramine Recrystallization and Coating
- Non-HFC Extinguishing
- Non-Refrigerant-Based Cooling System for Cabin Cooling
- Diver Performance Monitoring System (DPMS)
- Wearable Radiation Sensors
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Open Topic
- Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Readiness Kit
- Army Tech Marketplace
- Hydrogen Generator
- Conformable Hydrogen Storage
- Food and Water Sensor for Sustainment of the Joint Expeditionary Force
- Laser Power Beaming to Sustain Small UAVs
- Personnel Protective Equipment from High Energy Lasers
- Ultrawide Transmission Range for Variable Transmission Eyewear (VTE)
- Use of Satellite Observations for Analog Ensemble Predictions to Contribute to Decision Advantage
- Aerosol Particle Collectors for Microsensor Platforms
- Highly conductive brominated graphitic fibers for infrared and centimeter-wave electromagnetic attenuation
- Polymer, Solid Electrolyte, and Lithium Anode Battery to Enhance Kinetics
- Lower Temperature Methanol Steam Reforming Catalyst for Fuel Cells
- Solid-State Large Aluminum Additive Manufacturing Replacements
- Improving the Thermal Conductivity (TC) of Enhanced Performance Coolants (EPC) with inorganic additive nanotechnology
- Method of Developing Helicopter Source Noise Models using Parameter Identification Techniques
- Environmentally Stable Perovskite Solar Cell Module
- Development of pyrolysis optimization methodology for carbon/carbon materials
- Uncertainty and Model Predictive Control During Discontinuous Events in Autonomous Legged Robots
- Small Unmanned Aerial System for Surveying the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Bright Blue Semiconductor Laser Arrays for Military Applications
- Precision Control of High-speed Autonomous Vehicles under High Disturbances
- Modeling Tools for Hypersonic Flight
- Joining of Dissimilar Materials for Hypersonic Applications
- Metal Powder Based Additive Manufacturing for use in Portable System in an Expeditionary Environment
- Optical Computing Network
- Thermal Protection Coating for Artillery Projectiles
- Passive Ranging for Fire Control under Day and Night Conditions
- Dual-Band Imager
- Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies
- Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance via Perching Unmanned Air Vehicles
- Real-Time Analytics for Engineer Reconnaissance
- Adapting Commercial Technologies to Deliver the Modular Attributable Sensor System (MASS), an Array of AI-enabled Sensor Nodes Interoperable with the Unified Network
- Operations in Degraded Visual Environments Using Millimeter Wave Imagery
- Open Multi-Sensor Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) Software System
- Zero Trust Identity
- Wideband RF Sensing Algorithms for Detection of Priority Ground RF-Enabled Threats
- Advanced III-V Avalanche Photodiode Structures in the Infrared
- Multi-Modal Synthetic Data Corpus to Support Machine Intelligence Development
- Open Source, High Assurance Hardware and Software Co-Design
- Electromagnetic Skins and Smart RF Radomes for Spectrum Camouflage
- Development of Polarimetric SWIR Camera System with AI/ML Capabilities to Counter Swarming UAVs
- Lightweight, Robust, Ruggedized North Finding Technology
- UAS Continuous Time Spectrum Situational Awareness
- Digital Erasure of Sensitive FPGA Systems
- Machine Translation for Indo-Pacific Low Resource Languages
- DEEP-BIM: Dynamic Enhanced Environment Perception – Building Information Models
- Knowledge-Level Distributed Data Platforms for Ops-Log Synchronization
- Low-Cost SWIR Laser Sensor
- Medium-Format Displays for Mixed Reality (MR) Systems
- Porting to RTK High-Assurance Kernel
- Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic
- Precision Control Lens Eye Tracking Sensors
- Yuma Test Center Full Load Cooling
- Pacific Open Topic
- Large-Scale Mobilization Operations Analysis
- Biometrics for Multi-Factor Authentication
- Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) and Dual-Band Focal Plane Array in High-Definition Forma
- Non-Radio Frequency Transceiver Alternative Communicator
- Off-the-Visor Heads-Up Display
- Quantum-Enhanced RF Components
- User and Entity Behavior Analysis
- Autonomous Optical Sensors
- Novel Positioning, Navigation and Timing Signal Classification Techniques
- AI-Enabled ARP, Select and Monitor
- Tactical Micro-Grid Standard Add-On for Power Sources
- Ensuring Sensor Data Security and Integrity
- Low-Cost Persistent Multi-Sensor Surveillance
- Lightweight Longwave Bolometer Sensor Components
- Low-Cost Longwave Bolometer Camera Fabrication Techniques
- Advanced Miniature Mission Processor for Hyperspectral Applications
- Miniaturization of Hyperspectral Sensors for UAS Applications
- Multisystem Mobile Corrosion Unit
- Software Defined Radio Head
- Engineered Bolometer Leg Materials Toward Physics-Limited Thermal Infrared Imaging Arrays
- Underlay Communications with Wide SINR Range
- Phase Change Materials for Enhanced Warfighter Survivability
- Distributed Multithreat Microsensor
- Standoff Detection of Hidden Objects and Personnel In and Around Foliage
- Arctic Small-Unmanned Aerial System Automatic Ground Control Point Processing for Terrain Modeling
- Biosynthetic PFAS Alternatives to Provide Omniphobicity
- Additive Manufacturing for Protective Eyewear
- Drone Swarm Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Based on Ultrafast Neural Networks
- Hexavalent Chrome Replacement for Small Caliber Barrels
- Zernike Polynomials via Phase Recovery
- High-Reflector Microstructure for 1 Micron Continuous Wave Light and Mid-to-Long-Wave Transmission
- Metamaterials Based on Magnetic Shape Anisotropy for K-Band Microwave Applications
- Aluminum Nitride-Based Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits
- Fast Charge Silicon Anode Lithium-Ion Cells for Small UAS Systems
- Multicomponent Reduced Order Modeling of Hypersonic Boundary Layers
- Modeling Tools for Army Vehicle (Tanks and Rotorcraft) Mobility Applications
- High-Throughput, High-Temperature Mechanical Test Platform
- Leveraging Advanced Computation to Better Employ Additive Manufacturing
- Efficient Red Micro-LEDs with Pixel Size < 5 Microns for Next-Generation Displays and Visible Light Communication Systems
- High-Power Single Mode Diode Bars
- Robust Computer Vision for Better Object Detection with Limited Training Data
- AI-Enhanced TPS Development and Sustainment
- AI-Driven Production of Coarse- and Nano-Nitramines
- Laminated Metallic Armor
- Solid-State Scalable/Tileable Imaging Detector for High-Energy Neutron Radiography
- AI/ML Augmented Antenna Systems for Contested Electromagnetic Environments
- Electromagnetic Protection Coating for Artillery Projectiles
- Continuous Time Spiking Neural Network Field Programmable Neural Network Array
- Automated Functional Grading of Materials for Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
- Electronic quality ferroelectric III-Nitride epitaxy for device heterostructures
- Solid-State Scalable/Tileable Imaging Detector for High-Energy Neutron Radiography
- High Power and Torque Electric Motors for Direct-Drive Rotorcraft Applications
- Multilayer Waveguide Optical Gyroscope
- Lightweight AI-enabled image processing for Soldier-borne thermal imagers
- Algorithms for Modular Remote Expendable Sensor Array
- Portable Diamond NV-Based Quantum Magnetometer for Enhanced Detection of Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (PBIEDs)
- Development of an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Passive Detection, Tracking, And, Identification System for Ground Vehicles.
- Dynamic Synthetic Tissues for Medical Simulation and Training
- Automated and Modular Forward Deployed Biomanufacturing Unit for Warfighter Field
- Hybrid Electric Powertrain, Power and Propulsion Systems (HEPPS) Open Topic
- Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) Focused Open Topic
- Additive Manufacturing for High-Density Materials
- Advanced Pyrometallurgical Feedstock Processing to Produce Germanium
- Mobile Sustainment Tools Open Topic
- Reverse Engineering Equipment Open Topic
- Shop Tools and Enablers Open Topic
- Explosion Proof Collaborative Robots
- Affordable Alane Fuel
- Sensor Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) Design Blocks or Advanced Semiconductor Nodes
- Uncooled Thermal Sensor Component Enhancement and Supply Chain Open Topic
- Battery Focused Open Topic
- Dynamic Generative Large Language Model for Continuous Situational Awareness
- Apparatus & Method to Certify Properties of Infrared Optical Materials
- Large Language Model Course of Action Analysis
- Equipment Rigging with Augmented Reality / Computer Vision
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Ready Synthetic Radio Frequency (RF) Data
- Enhanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Training Capability
- Advanced Manufacturing of Engine Cooling Fans for Wheeled Vehicles
- Water at the Point of Need
- Lighter, Low-Cost Family of Bidirectional Inverters
- Canine Readiness and Performance Open Topic
- Explosive Ordnance Disposal Visual Ordnance Identification Database (EODVOID)
- Computational Analysis of Event Camera Imagery for Propellant Testing
- Triboelectric, Thermoelectric, Piezoelectric Coating
- Large Language Models for System Security Engineering Analysis
- Secure Wireless Data Transfer Solutions for Predictive Logistics
- Automated Course of Action Generation
- AI/ML-Enabled Voice-Commanded Autonomous Maneuver for Ground Combat Vehicles
- Radar Signal Processing Improvements for Probability of Detection
- Artificial Intelligence for Interoperability
- Autonomous Robotic Bridging
- Be a judge for innovative Army, small business topics
- Army Seeks Small Business Innovation For Aviation Systems
- VIDEO: Army Applied SBIR Innovation Summit #1
- VIDEO: AUSA Fall 2021: Innovating Army Programs with Small Businesses Panel: SBIR and xTech
- VIDEO: Army Applied SBIR Innovation Summit #3
- New Transition-focused Army Team Releases Contract Opportunities for Small Businesses
- New Transition-focused Army Team Releases Contract Opportunities for Small Businesses
- VIDEO: 2021 New Mexico SBIR/STTR Innovation Summit : Evolution of SBIR/STTR Programs: Staying Responsive
- Army seeks small business innovation for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Autonomy
- Scouting the tech landscape to uncover game-changing Army solutions
- Army SBIR Transition Pathway Summit
- Video: Learn how small businesses can navigate SBIR and STTR 
- Video: Learn tips and tricks on SBIR and STTR programs
- Two Army Clean Tech Opportunities
- Attend a live Q&A session to learn about Applied SBIR’s new autonomy topic!
- Now Available: The Army Applied SBIR 2021 Year in Review!
- Army seeks small-business innovation in clean technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and SMART sensors
- Army seeks small-business innovation in SMART sensors and material-readiness
- Army announces material-readiness contracts for small-business solutions
- U.S. Army unveils new AI/ML and wearables contracts for innovative small businesses
- Army seeks up to $3.25 million waterproof monitoring solutions
- Army SBIR CATALYST Program Launches with Your Questions
- Army seeks AI innovations to drive technology transition
- Army Tech Marketplace Opens with a Webinar for Your Questions
- Army to award up to $1.8 million for clean hydrogen-fuel technologies
- Army STTR Industry Day Event
- Army to boost Soldier optics through $4.5M dual-band imager awards
- Army to award up to $13.3M for clean tech construction solutions
- Army SBIR Reverse Pitch on May 16
- Army to award up to $2.6 million for data-wiping technologies
- Now Available: The 2022 Army SBIR|STTR Year in Review
- Army expands private capital eligibility to drive the innovation economy
- Army to award up to $3.8 million for 3D infrastructure modeling tool
- Army to award up to $2 million for language-translation software
- Army to invest up to $1.9 million for an automated data platform
- Army to offer up to $3.8 million for mixed-reality displays
- Army awards up to $1.9 million for low-cost laser sensors
- Army offers up to $200,000 for a secure autonomous operating system
- Army seeks clean energy solutions with $1.9 million open solicitation
- Army offers firms up to $75M with second Army SBIR CATALYST launch
- Army offers firms $250,000 each for Precision Contact Lens Sensors
- Army to award businesses $250,000 each for electronic vehicle cooling systems
- Army SBIR to host Company Orientation and Proposal-Development Webinar on Jan. 25
- Army releases seven contract opportunities to kickstart the new year
- Army SBIR webinar demystifies common proposal errors
- Army releases SBIR contracts seeking artificial intelligence and sensor solutions
- Army SBIR releases six contract opportunities for AI/ML, power and sensor solutions
- Now Available: 2023 Army SBIR|STTR Year in Review
- Letterkenny Depot Day, sponsored by Army SBIR
- Army releases four SBIR contracts seeking logistics and sensor solutions
- Army releases five SBIR contracts for AI and manufacturing solutions
- Army releases 10 SBIR contract opportunities in July 2024
- Army SBIR releases four contract opportunities in August 2024
- Army xTech prize competition and Army SBIR return to AUSA with Innovator’s Corner
- Five New Army SBIR Funding Opportunities in September 2024
- Army SBIR|STTR Releases Four New Funding Opportunities in October 2024
- Army SBIR|STTR unveils three funding opportunities in November 2024
- Army SBIR|STTR launches new AI/ML funding opportunity in December 2024
- Army SBIR|STTR Releases AI/ML and Sensor Funding Opportunities
- Test
- U.S. Army, small businesses partner to develop uniformed technology workforce
- New Army contracting center streamlines and expedites funding for small businesses
- U.S. partners with 13 small businesses to develop technologies for Soldiers
- U.S. Army awards funding for seven small businesses to support crucial needs
- U.S. Army awards contracts to 90 small businesses to help transition technologies to Soldiers
- Army awards $15M in small business funding to develop technologies for Soldiers
- U.S. Army STTR Selects Proposals for Phase I Funding Awards
- U.S. Army STTR Selects Proposals for Phase II Funding Awards
- Army partners with small businesses to develop innovations for aviation system
- Army awards $1.1M in small business funding to develop wearable power generator
- Army announces material-readiness contracts for small business solutions
- Army awards more than $11M to small businesses to develop AI/ML technologies
- Army awards $7M in small business funding to develop weapon systems, electronics
- Army awards nearly $9M to small businesses to develop AI/ML and autonomy technologies
- Army awards 11 new contracts to small businesses to develop material-readiness technologies
- Army awards $6.5 million to small businesses to develop technologies in network, electronic warfare and AI/ML
- Army awards small businesses for innovation in AI, machine learning, sensors and clean technologies
- Army’s new innovative initiatives drive small-business collaboration
- Army awards small businesses for innovation in sensing and materials readiness
- Army awards small businesses in first open-topic solicitation for wearable bio-monitoring technologies
- Army awards up to $250,000 to small businesses developing AI/ML and Clean Tech solutions
- Army awards up to $150,000 to small businesses developing lifesaving, underwater technologies
- Four small businesses awarded up to $250,000 for wearable radiation sensors
- Army awards nearly $6 million for AI/ML technologies
- Army SBIR CATALYST pilot offers five businesses up to $75M
- Army selects small businesses to develop Army Tech Marketplace
- Army awards up to $1M to businesses developing dual-band imagers
- Army awards $10.25 million for hydrogen fuel solutions
- Army awards nearly $12.25 million for sustainable building materials
- Army offers two firms nearly $1.3 million for data-wiping solutions
- Army provides nearly $1.25M for language-translation software
- Army awards nearly $5.7 million for automated data platforms
- Army offers nearly $3.8 million for 3D mapping and modeling software
- Army invests nearly $50 million in artificial intelligence and machine learning
- JPEO A&A’s munitions manufacturing efforts drive $48M in Army SBIR funding
- Army leverages Army SBIR and xTech prize competitions to secure AI pipeline
- Catching up with Genesis Systems
- Army SBIR|STTR Invests Nearly $15M in Contested Logistics, Sustainment and Sensors in November 2024