The purpose of the AI/ML Focused Open Topic is to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to the Army and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army Small Business Innovation Research program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.
This open topic accepts both Phase I and Direct to Phase II submissions. Phase I proposals are accepted for a cost up to $250,000 for a 6-month period of performance and Direct to Phase II proposals are accepted for a cost up to $2,000,000 for a 24-month period of performance. All submissions must address the following 6 AI sub-fields:
Phase I
Phase I Submission Materials
Post-Phase I Deliverables:
Phase II
Direct to Phase II Submission Materials
Phase III
Complete the maturation of the company’s technology developed in Phase II to TRL 6/7 and produce prototype to support further development and commercialization. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide small solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on soldier evaluations in the field, companies will be requested to update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.
Submission Information
For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.
SBIR|STTR Help Desk: usarmy.sbirsttr@army.mil
The purpose of the AI/ML Focused Open Topic is to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to the Army and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army Small Business Innovation Research program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.
This open topic accepts both Phase I and Direct to Phase II submissions. Phase I proposals are accepted for a cost up to $250,000 for a 6-month period of performance and Direct to Phase II proposals are accepted for a cost up to $2,000,000 for a 24-month period of performance. All submissions must address the following 6 AI sub-fields:
Phase I
Phase I Submission Materials
Post-Phase I Deliverables:
Phase II
Direct to Phase II Submission Materials
Phase III
Complete the maturation of the company’s technology developed in Phase II to TRL 6/7 and produce prototype to support further development and commercialization. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide small solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on soldier evaluations in the field, companies will be requested to update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.
Submission Information
For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.
SBIR|STTR Help Desk: usarmy.sbirsttr@army.mil