Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, ASA(ALT), Phase I

Army Tech Marketplace

Release Date: 02/21/2023
Solicitation: 23.4
Open Date: 03/16/2023
Topic Number: A234-008
Application Due Date: 04/11/2023
Duration: Up to 4 months
Close Date: 04/11/2023
Amount Up To: Up to $200,000


To develop, integrate and deploy a technology with a simple intuitive user interface that improves information exchange and the discovery of collaboration opportunities within the Army R&D and Acquisitions communities as well as between the Army and private sector technology providers and private sector technology integrators. The intent is to drive transition of R&D-funded technologies into the Army enterprise.


The Army Tech Marketplace is envisioned as a web-based knowledge management and collaboration platform with an intuitive user-friendly interface that enhances transparency and simplifies access to R&D-funded technologies for Army stakeholders and private sector innovators to share, retrieve, and analyze information, and collaborate. The Army Tech Marketplace should provide an artificial intelligence and data-fusion capability to assess the probability of technologies to transition, identify trends within the Army enterprise, and maximize the value of business intelligence data to support agile Army decision-making.

This effort seeks to create a platform for sharing information at the appropriate level first between different Army offices and second with members of the innovation economy. It will prioritize an internal Army-focused side connecting R&D needs and gaps with funding and resource opportunities. Internally, it must be a common, IL4 secure space for the Army and eventually, Joint Service research centers, acquisitions, and SBIR programs to learn of cross-organizational activities, mitigate R&D risks by learning from others, and dynamically exploit opportunities for collaboration.

It will also have a generally accessible, external-to-the-Army side connecting innovation economy firms with Army technology challenges and the Army Program Executive Offices working to address those challenges. Externally, the Army Tech Marketplace permits Army, Joint Services, and innovation economy members to appropriately share information, build relationships, and facilitate collaboration, contracts, and integration of innovations into the Army enterprise.

Integral to the platform must be data analytics and artificial intelligence enabled tools to assist internal Army Tech Marketplace users to assess technologies and trends to improve interactions with external members, as well as leverage the total value of the data on the platform to improve Army Tech Marketplace operations. These capabilities should be accessed through a simple graphical intuitive user interface that can serve users of various proficiencies and knowledge.  The platform should be vetted from both a software and usability standpoint.

Phase I

Starting in FY23, Phase I would be for multiple awards of $200,000 each with a 4-month period focused on technical value, commercial merit, and feasibility of proposed solutions. At a minimum, the deliverable from Phase I would be a detailed technical presentation on the design and attributes of the proposed platform conforming to the eight success criteria listed in the Topic Description.

Phase II

In FY 23, an award would be made to refine the plan developed in Phase I and create a minimum viable platform for testing and evaluation by the Army Applied SBIR Program and its stakeholders employing the eight success criteria listed in this Topic Description. These criteria are subject to revision based on the results of the outcome of the Phase I effort.

Phase III

DUAL USE APPLICATIONS:  The proposed technology has potential use within the Army Small Business Innovation Research Program as well as other Army Research Centers and acquisition programs.

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.


Person using computer




To develop, integrate and deploy a technology with a simple intuitive user interface that improves information exchange and the discovery of collaboration opportunities within the Army R&D and Acquisitions communities as well as between the Army and private sector technology providers and private sector technology integrators. The intent is to drive transition of R&D-funded technologies into the Army enterprise.


The Army Tech Marketplace is envisioned as a web-based knowledge management and collaboration platform with an intuitive user-friendly interface that enhances transparency and simplifies access to R&D-funded technologies for Army stakeholders and private sector innovators to share, retrieve, and analyze information, and collaborate. The Army Tech Marketplace should provide an artificial intelligence and data-fusion capability to assess the probability of technologies to transition, identify trends within the Army enterprise, and maximize the value of business intelligence data to support agile Army decision-making.

This effort seeks to create a platform for sharing information at the appropriate level first between different Army offices and second with members of the innovation economy. It will prioritize an internal Army-focused side connecting R&D needs and gaps with funding and resource opportunities. Internally, it must be a common, IL4 secure space for the Army and eventually, Joint Service research centers, acquisitions, and SBIR programs to learn of cross-organizational activities, mitigate R&D risks by learning from others, and dynamically exploit opportunities for collaboration.

It will also have a generally accessible, external-to-the-Army side connecting innovation economy firms with Army technology challenges and the Army Program Executive Offices working to address those challenges. Externally, the Army Tech Marketplace permits Army, Joint Services, and innovation economy members to appropriately share information, build relationships, and facilitate collaboration, contracts, and integration of innovations into the Army enterprise.

Integral to the platform must be data analytics and artificial intelligence enabled tools to assist internal Army Tech Marketplace users to assess technologies and trends to improve interactions with external members, as well as leverage the total value of the data on the platform to improve Army Tech Marketplace operations. These capabilities should be accessed through a simple graphical intuitive user interface that can serve users of various proficiencies and knowledge.  The platform should be vetted from both a software and usability standpoint.

Phase I

Starting in FY23, Phase I would be for multiple awards of $200,000 each with a 4-month period focused on technical value, commercial merit, and feasibility of proposed solutions. At a minimum, the deliverable from Phase I would be a detailed technical presentation on the design and attributes of the proposed platform conforming to the eight success criteria listed in the Topic Description.

Phase II

In FY 23, an award would be made to refine the plan developed in Phase I and create a minimum viable platform for testing and evaluation by the Army Applied SBIR Program and its stakeholders employing the eight success criteria listed in this Topic Description. These criteria are subject to revision based on the results of the outcome of the Phase I effort.

Phase III

DUAL USE APPLICATIONS:  The proposed technology has potential use within the Army Small Business Innovation Research Program as well as other Army Research Centers and acquisition programs.

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.




Person using computer

Army Tech Marketplace

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