Power, ASA(ALT), Direct to Phase II | Phase I

Hybrid Electric Powertrain, Power and ​Propulsion Systems (HEPPS) Open Topic

Release Date: 06/11/2024
Solicitation: 24.4
Open Date: 08/12/2024
Topic Number: A244-P038
Application Due Date: 09/17/2024
Duration: 6-24 months
Close Date: 09/17/2024
Amount Up To: $250,000-$2 million


The purpose of the Hybrid Electric Powertrain, Power, and Propulsion Systems (HEPPS) Open Topic is to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to the Army and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army Small Business Innovation Research program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.


This open topic accepts both Phase I and Direct to Phase 2 submissions.  All submissions must address the following 6 sub-fields:

  • HEPPPS technologies compatible with any of the following vehicle systems: ground vehicles, ground support equipment, any type of propulsion and renewable energy source for UAV, helicopter, VTOL, and small-fixed wing aircraft solutions.
  • HEPPPS technologies that can optimize fuel economy and performance while considering tactical performance constraints such as acceleration and grade ability.1
  • HEPPPS that facilitate new use cases and tactics for improved operational flexibility for any of the listed vehicle systems.
  • HEPPPS technologies that provide an optimized balance for efficient aircraft operation throughout the different flight regimes of a mission profile.
  • HEPPPS systems that can deliver increased onboard electrical power (hybrid powertrain technologies that supply power which can be converted, conditioned, and delivered in any form to and from any load).
  • HEPPPS technologies that meet military operational requirements like energy efficiency, reduced or eliminated platform thermal signature, and silent operating capabilities (i.e., the ability to run electronics and sensors inside a vehicle while the engine is turned off)

Phase I

Phase I Submission Materials 

  • 5-page technical volume for down-select.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.
  • “Statement of Work” outlining intermediate and final anticipated deliverables during the Phase I award period.

Post-Phase I Deliverables:

  • Small Business: A feasibility study to demonstrate the technical and commercial practicality of the concept to include an assessment of its technical readiness and potential applicability to military and commercial markets.

Phase II

Direct to Phase II Submission Materials 

  • 10-page technical volume for down-select to include a maximum of 2 pages showing how technical feasibility has already been achieved.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.
  • “Statement of Work” outlining intermediate and final anticipated deliverables during the Phase II award period.

Phase III

  • Reduction of green-house gas emissions.
  • Hybrid powertrain technologies that optimize fuel economy and performance.
  • Improved energy management strategies for hybrid storage systems.
  • Lower weight, longer operating duration.

Submission Information

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.

SBIR|STTR Help Desk: usarmy.sbirsttr@army.mil

A244-P038 Phase I and Direct to Phase II




The purpose of the Hybrid Electric Powertrain, Power, and Propulsion Systems (HEPPS) Open Topic is to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to the Army and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army Small Business Innovation Research program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.


This open topic accepts both Phase I and Direct to Phase 2 submissions.  All submissions must address the following 6 sub-fields:

  • HEPPPS technologies compatible with any of the following vehicle systems: ground vehicles, ground support equipment, any type of propulsion and renewable energy source for UAV, helicopter, VTOL, and small-fixed wing aircraft solutions.
  • HEPPPS technologies that can optimize fuel economy and performance while considering tactical performance constraints such as acceleration and grade ability.1
  • HEPPPS that facilitate new use cases and tactics for improved operational flexibility for any of the listed vehicle systems.
  • HEPPPS technologies that provide an optimized balance for efficient aircraft operation throughout the different flight regimes of a mission profile.
  • HEPPPS systems that can deliver increased onboard electrical power (hybrid powertrain technologies that supply power which can be converted, conditioned, and delivered in any form to and from any load).
  • HEPPPS technologies that meet military operational requirements like energy efficiency, reduced or eliminated platform thermal signature, and silent operating capabilities (i.e., the ability to run electronics and sensors inside a vehicle while the engine is turned off)

Phase I

Phase I Submission Materials 

  • 5-page technical volume for down-select.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.
  • “Statement of Work” outlining intermediate and final anticipated deliverables during the Phase I award period.

Post-Phase I Deliverables:

  • Small Business: A feasibility study to demonstrate the technical and commercial practicality of the concept to include an assessment of its technical readiness and potential applicability to military and commercial markets.

Phase II

Direct to Phase II Submission Materials 

  • 10-page technical volume for down-select to include a maximum of 2 pages showing how technical feasibility has already been achieved.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.
  • “Statement of Work” outlining intermediate and final anticipated deliverables during the Phase II award period.

Phase III

  • Reduction of green-house gas emissions.
  • Hybrid powertrain technologies that optimize fuel economy and performance.
  • Improved energy management strategies for hybrid storage systems.
  • Lower weight, longer operating duration.

Submission Information

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.

SBIR|STTR Help Desk: usarmy.sbirsttr@army.mil



A244-P038 Phase I and Direct to Phase II

Hybrid Electric Powertrain, Power and ​Propulsion Systems (HEPPS) Open Topic

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