Power, ASA(ALT), Direct to Phase II

Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic

Release Date: 09/14/2023
Solicitation: 23.4
Open Date: 09/28/2023
Topic Number: A234-027
Application Due Date: 10/31/2023
Duration: Up to 18 months
Close Date: 10/31/2023
Amount Up To: Up to $1.9 mil



Through the Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic, the Army seeks to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to its operations. The Army also aims to create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army SBIR program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.


While the Army will accept Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic proposals on any technical challenge requiring the application of energy demand reduction and clean energy technologies, the Army will prioritize submissions addressing the following core technical areas for award:

  1. Energy Storage (man-portable; ground vehicle and support equipment applications; and airborne vehicle solutions)
  2. Clean Energy Generation (primary but not exclusive range of 1kW-200kW and 20-1,000 energy consumption endpoints)
  3. Micro-grid components compatible with the DoD’s Tactical Microgrid Standard
  4. Electric and Hybrid Electric Transportation (ground vehicles, ground support equipment, UAV, helicopter, and small-fixed wing aircraft solutions)
  5. Charging of electrified transportation in austere environments

Phase I

Phase I Submission Materials:

  • 5-page technical volume for down-select.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.

Post-Phase I Deliverables:

  • Small Business: A feasibility study to demonstrate the technical and commercial practicality of the concept to include an assessment of its technical readiness and potential applicability to military and commercial markets.

Phase II

Businesses will produce practical and feasible prototype solutions that can operate in edge and austere environments. Companies will provide a technology transition and commercialization plan for Department of Defense and commercial markets. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on Soldier field assessment, the Army will request companies to update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.

DP2 Submission Materials:

  • 10-page technical volume for down-select to include a maximum of two pages showing how it achieved technical feasibility.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.

Submission Information

All businesses must submit proposals by noon, Eastern Time.

To view full solicitation details, click here.

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.

Applied SBIR Help Desk: usarmy.pentagon.hqda-asa-alt.mbx.army-applied-sbir-program@army.mil




Through the Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic, the Army seeks to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to its operations. The Army also aims to create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army SBIR program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.


While the Army will accept Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic proposals on any technical challenge requiring the application of energy demand reduction and clean energy technologies, the Army will prioritize submissions addressing the following core technical areas for award:

  1. Energy Storage (man-portable; ground vehicle and support equipment applications; and airborne vehicle solutions)
  2. Clean Energy Generation (primary but not exclusive range of 1kW-200kW and 20-1,000 energy consumption endpoints)
  3. Micro-grid components compatible with the DoD’s Tactical Microgrid Standard
  4. Electric and Hybrid Electric Transportation (ground vehicles, ground support equipment, UAV, helicopter, and small-fixed wing aircraft solutions)
  5. Charging of electrified transportation in austere environments

Phase I

Phase I Submission Materials:

  • 5-page technical volume for down-select.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.

Post-Phase I Deliverables:

  • Small Business: A feasibility study to demonstrate the technical and commercial practicality of the concept to include an assessment of its technical readiness and potential applicability to military and commercial markets.

Phase II

Businesses will produce practical and feasible prototype solutions that can operate in edge and austere environments. Companies will provide a technology transition and commercialization plan for Department of Defense and commercial markets. The Army will evaluate each product in a realistic field environment and provide solutions to stakeholders for further evaluation. Based on Soldier field assessment, the Army will request companies to update the previously delivered prototypes to meet final design configuration.

DP2 Submission Materials:

  • 10-page technical volume for down-select to include a maximum of two pages showing how it achieved technical feasibility.
  • 8-slide commercialization plan; template provided in announcement.

Submission Information

All businesses must submit proposals by noon, Eastern Time.

To view full solicitation details, click here.

For more information, and to submit your full proposal package, visit the DSIP Portal.

Applied SBIR Help Desk: usarmy.pentagon.hqda-asa-alt.mbx.army-applied-sbir-program@army.mil


Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech Open Topic

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